Survey on charging stations at home


New Member
Good morning,

My name is Francisco and I work in the automotive industry since I finished my studies. In my first job I was one of the Nissan Leaf quality engineers from the Nissan offices in the UK and this quickly made me interested in the technology, the first problems that users were encountering and the expectations that in different markets the electric car had created. Since then I have been turning to an idea that would put users of these vehicles in contact to offer and share private charging points and even the electric vehicles themselves.

With the idea of ​​taking information from the owners create the following survey (this in English):

*I found your forum and I think it would be a perfect way to try to distribute it. This of course is a personal request and I would appreciate any kind of broadcast or help.

This is my professional profile.[welcome]

As an aid in exchange I can offer comments on quality problems that you have experienced with the Nissan Leaf or doubts about the latter!

Thank you all for your time and please if possible and to help me reach more people [repost]

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